SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023

SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern And Syllabus Topics

The SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023 for the Grade A Exam Date will be announced soon. Get the latest SIDBI Grade A Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2023 with marking scheme details.


SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023

Knowing the SIDBI Grade A Syllabus and Exam Pattern beforehand is the first step to prepare for the upcoming SIDBI Grade A Exam Date will be released soon by the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). For exam preparation, Candidates must go through the SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023 and Exam Pattern for the written exam. The SIDBI Grade A Exam is for 160 marks and consists of subjects such as Reasoning, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. The subject-wise SIDBI Grade A Exam Pattern and Syllabus is given below.



SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023- Overview

The Aspiring Candidates must know the latest SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023 for the SIDBI Grade A 2023. Here we are providing brief information about the syllabus tabulated below.

SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023
Organisation Small Industries Development Bank of India
Posts SIDBI Grade A (Assistant Manager)
Mode of Exam Online
Category Syllabus
Negative Marking ¼th mark
Selection Process Online Test-Interview
Official website

SIDBI Grade A Exam Pattern 2023

  1. There are objective questions in the exam.
  2. The exam is conducted for a total of 160 marks.
  3. There is 0.25 negative marking in the exam.
  4. The time duration of the exam is 180 minutes
SIDBI Grade A Exam Pattern 2023
Subjects No. of Questions Marks Duration
Reasoning 40 60 40 minutes
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 60 30 minutes
General Awareness
(With special reference to Banking and Financial Sector and Economic and Social Issues)
50 50 30 minutes
Total 160 200 120 minutes
Descriptive Test 03 50 60 minutes
Grand Total 163 250 180 minutes

SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023

The topics that need to be covered under each section of the Objective-type Examination have been discussed below. Go through each topic and plan your strategy for the upcoming SIDBI Grade A Exam. The topics given here should be covered comprehensively.

SIDBI Grade A Syllabus 2023
Subjects Syllabus Topics
  1. Alphabet Test
  2. Alphanumeric Series
  3. Analogy
  4. Causes and Effects
  5. Circular Arrangement
  6. Coded Inequalities
  7. Arrangement and Pattern
  8. Assertion and Reason
  9. Blood Relations
  10. Coding-Decoding
  11. Data Sufficiency
  12. Decision Making
  13. Direction and Distance
  14. Direction Sense Test
  15. Figure Series Test
  16. Floor Puzzle
  17. Inequality
  18. Input-Output
  19. Linear Arrangement
  20. Logical Reasoning
  21. Machine Input Output
  22. Ranking and Time
  23. Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
  24. Scheduling
  25. Seating Arrangement
  26. Series Test
  27. Statement and Arguments
  28. Number
  29. Odd man out
  30. Ordering and Ranking
  31. Puzzle and Arrangements
  32. Statement and Assumption
  33. Statement and Conclusion
  34. Syllogism
  35. Tabulation
  36. Verbal Reasoning
  37. Word Formation
English Language
  1. Antonyms
  2. Error Detection
  3. Fill in the Blanks
  4. Subject-Verb Agreement
  5. Unseen Passages
  6. Idioms & Phrases
  7. Sentence Rearrangement
Quantitative Aptitude
  1. Age problems
  2. Algebra
  3. Allegation or Mixture
  4. Area
  5. Averages
  6. Data Interpretation
  7. Decimal Fraction
  8. HCF and LCM
  9. Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
  10. Mixture and Allegations
  11. Number Systems
  12. Partnership
  13. Banker’s Discount
  14. Boats and Streams
  15. Case Studies
  16. Charts and Graphs
  17. Compound Interest
  18. Percentages
  19. Permutation, Combination, and Probability
  20. Pipes and Cisterns
  21. Probability
  22. Problems on Trains
  23. Profit and Loss
  24. Quadratic Equations
  25. Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
  26. Speed, Distance and Time
  27. Square Root and Cube Root
  28. Stocks and Shares
  29. Surds and Indices
  30. Time and Distance
  31. Time and Work
  32. Trigonometry
  33. Volume and Surface Area
  34. Work and Time
  35. Ratio and Proportion
  36. Sequence and Series
  37. Set Theory
  38. Simple Interest & Compound Interest
  39. Simplification
General Awareness
  1. General Knowledge
  2. Banking and Insurance Awareness
  3. Govt. Schemes and Policies
  4. Static Awareness
  5. Countries & Capitals
  6. Current Affairs- National & International
  7. Important Days
  8. Important Financial & Economic News
  9. Awards & Honours
  10. Banking & Insurance Industry
  11. Books & Authors
  12. Budget
  13. International & National Organizations
  14. Science- Inventions & Discoveries

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